Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Sponge Rose Fascinator

Barr.Ini Akpan trending the sponge  rose fascinator,a mix of pink and touch of blue.

She slayed it.

Thanks for your patronage as always and for sending in this picture.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Nature's Own /Julie Odia

It's no news that WOW! Magazine Publisher, Julie Odia had her traditional rites done today . Shout out to her!!!

And "Nature's Own" fascinator by House of Marie Angela Exquisite was on fleek worn by Miss D of the MissD show boss, Dublin.

She slayed it!!!

HML Julie.


Nature's Own

Miss D slaying "Nature's Own" fascinator by House of Marie Angela Exquisite.

A huge shout out to WOW! Magazine Publisher, Julie Odia! Happy Married Life.


Sunday, 7 February 2016

Turbaninator(Cleo Patra) Style

Happy customer Mrs E.Emeka slaying a turbaninator (Cleo Patra) style by House of Marie Angela Exquisite.

Order for your custom made crown piece today.